Evening Track Sessions

East Kent Coaching launched its track training for secondary school pupils at the beginning of May 2024. In July, we invited those at the top end of primary school to join us.

When & Where?

Track training sessions take place at the Royal Harbour Academy running track in Ramsgate.

Our schedule is every Wednesday evening, between 18:30 and 19:30 and we're going right through the summer and hopefully beyond.

Enter the site via Marlowe Way from the A256. (The Stirling Way entrance is usually closed in the evenings.) You should meet us on the grass at trackside. Please arrive a few minutes early to ensure a prompt start at 18:30.

We currently start at 18:30, but from 18th September this will change to 18:00. Shortly afterwards, we will begin training will take place under floodlights. (Date to be confirmed.)

For the new academic year, starting September 2024, training is open to children in Year 5 and upwards.

The majority of attendees are already at secondary school. Sessions will be differentiated to provide a suitable challenge for everyone, but we cannot accommodate children below Year 5 at the present time.

Safety & Comfort

Footwear: Suitable footwear is essential. You do not need spikes. (We are training, not racing.) Running shoes or trainers are perfect, but not football boots or similar studded footwear. School shoes, walking boots, flip-flops etc are not appropriate and you will not be allowed to train in them.

Clothing: Think carefully about what to wear and bring. Your school PE kit or other sportswear will be fine for running in. Be aware that it sometimes gets very cold on the track, even on warm days. Make sure you bring warm clothing for before and after the session. Warming up in a hoodie or tracksuit top is recommended. A lightweight, waterproof top is advisable too as we intend to train throughout the spring and summer months regardless of the weather.

Hydration: You should aim to arrive suitably hydrated. Bring a water bottle with you, but you don't need to guzzle gallons during the session. A snack for afterwards is a good idea too, especially if you have a long drive home.

Behaviour: Pay attention and follow instructions carefully. If anything is unclear, ask. (You may also be helping other people who haven't understood or weren't listening properly.) Familiarise yourself with our Track Safety Rules before coming along. Please get in touch any time if you have any questions.

What to Expect

Each session begins with a gentle jogging warm up, either on the grass or on the track itself. It is really important to warm up slowly. You should be able to hold a normal conversation with anyone running alongside you. If you feel out of breath after your warm up, you have gone too fast and will not get maximum benefit from the session.

After some balance, mobility and coordination drills, you will learn about the evening's set. Sessions will may include competitive elements, but respect for teammates and competitors alike is vital.

We are always happy to hear about individual goals and to help athletes towards achieving them. Remember, though, that everyone develops at different rates. We aim to encourage enjoyment in running throughout childhood and beyond rather than putting too much pressure on performance this week, this month or this year.

The greatest gains come from working consistently and you are encouraged to attend regularly.

Booking Information

East Kent Coaching is not a club, so there is no enrolment fee or annual membership to pay.

All you have to do is book online, complete the consent form and pay for your sessions in advance.

       A one-hour track session with East Kent Coaching costs £7.

Don't Forget to Pay

Please make your BACS transfer to this account:

   Payee East Kent Coaching Ltd
   Account 59076062
   Sort code 30-98-97

Parental Consent

If your child hasn't run with us before, you'll need to complete a short Parental Consent Form and return it before coming along for the first time.
Complete Consent Form (Online Google Form)

If you are using the Pay-As-You-Go option, please complete your Booking Form by Monday evening at the latest (i.e. 48 hours before you plan to attend.)

If you have any questions, you can email us at any time.