Saturday 1st March 2025

Arrival and Parking

There is NO VEHICLE ACCESS to the event through the main entrance to Quex Park. A traffic marshal will be there to enforce this and redirect visitors to the event entrance.

Vehicle access is through Gate 3 on the Manston Road ONLY. The postcode is CT7 0HR and there will be clear signs out on the road to direct you.

There is a What3Words link here:
(link opens in new window)

There is also a Google Map link here:
     Google Map for CT7 0HR
(link opens in new window)

All drivers should follow the instructions of the traffic marshals on arrival, parking only in the designated areas, not elsewhere in the park. Cross country visitors are respectfully asked to keep well away from the Powell-Cotton Museum during the event.

A change from previous years: Disabled parking will now be on the field close to the action. The parking staff will have a dedicated area for this and 'blue badges' will not be required.

Only pedestrians may access the event via the main Quex Park entrance.

Dogs are not permitted, except for guide / assistance dogs.

Please note that Quex Park is a non-smoking site.

Before the Race

Each school will have at least one representative (sports coach, teacher or parent) at the venue. They will be a point of contact for their pupils, responsible for getting the children ready before the start of each race.

This involves ensuring that runners are checked against school lists and that runners arrive at the start area on time for their race. Spiked footwear is not permitted.

They will distribute 'Not to be Photographed' wristbands where necessary. They will also inform Margate Ambulance Corps personnel if any child has a severe medical condition.

There will be public address announcements during the event, reminding runners when to make their way to the start area, which is clearly marked. There will be marshals at the start, looking out for anyone who looks confused or nervous and to make sure everyone lines up fairly.

Parents may go to the start, but should remain behind the tapes at all times. Our very experienced starter, Mr Debling, will start each race with a gun. (It isn't a real one, but it IS very loud!

Timetable & Course

Races will start promptly according to the following schedule. It is each school's responsibility to ensure runners are in place at the right time.

Year 3 (1000 metres)
    10:00    Y3 Girls
    10:20    Y3 Boys

Year 4 (1000 metres)
    10:40    Y4 Girls
    11:00    Y4 Boys

Year 5 (1500 metres)
    11:20    Y5 Girls
    11:40    Y5 Boys

Year 6 (1500 metres)
    12:00    Y6 Girls
    12:20    Y6 Boys

Race distances are approximate. Our team will have set the course out according to what the natural environment provides early in the morning.

Avoiding fresh molehills, rabbit holes and other natural hazards means that the route may differ slightly from previous race days at Quex Park.

Comparing race times with other events, therefore, is not advisable.

During the Race

The entire course is marked with red-and-white tape. Spectators may watch the action from any point, but must remain off the course itself.

We will have 'hares' for each race to guide the competitors around the course. (These are older runners who took part in these races themselves several years ago.)

There will also be marshals around the course and 'tail runners' too, making sure everyone completes the race safely.

After the Race

At the finish line, our experienced team of marshals will make sure runners are sorted into the correct finishing order.

Each runner across the line will receive a card with a number corresponding to their finishing position. Keep this. The card includes a QR code from which you can look up their finishing time later on the day.

EVERY runner will receive a medal for taking part. There are also gold-, silver- and bronze-coloured medals awarded to the first three finishers. These will be presented by Gary Rees of Thanet Passport. Winners photographs may subsequently be published on the Thanet Passport and East Kent Coaching websites.

Although schools will have encouraged runners to bring their own reusable water bottles, emergency supplies will be available just after the finish line.

Following consultation with schools, runners do not wear race numbers. Consequently, we do not publish lists of finishers' names. Schools seem to prefer this streamlined approach, rather than wrestling with safety pins in the Thanet weather!


We will have a mobile catering unit on the event field throughgout the competition. Provider for March 2025 to be confirmed shortly.

First Aid Cover

Two ambulances from Margate Ambulance Corps will be in attendance, providing first aid cover to anyone who requires it.

Information about the ambulance corps can be found here:
Margate Ambulance Corps

If you are interested in First Aid training to help the local community, please get in touch with them.


Portable toilets, including a unit for disabled visitors, are available on the field, close to the schools' meeting area.

If you have a future event planned and will need to hire loos, this is the company we use:
Fresh Toilet Company